lunes, 1 de junio de 2009

General information

1. General data:
· Longitude: 3.200 m.
· Slope average: 20%
· Time of the journey: 2 hrs.
· initial Altitude: 330 m.s.m. approx.
· final Altitude: 510 m.s.m. approx.

2. Valor entrance:
Children: $$ 1 dollars
Adults: $$2 dollars
Foreigners: $$3 dollars

3. Location:
Distant to 10 Km of the city of Purén, for the road asphalted Contulmo. It is located in the buttresses of the Mountain range of Nahuelbuta.

4. Climate:
It has a Mediterranean climate which is modified by the drop altitude of the sector allowing the penetration of the marine influence and of the western coming humid winds that generate a considerable increment in the precipitations in comparison with the adjacent sectors.

5. Nature of the place:
These natural conditions have allowed the growth of a great variety of species like olivillo, ulmo, tepa, tineo, laurel, oak and a dense grove quila forest, murtilla, ferns and copihue. Under this vegetable formation 3 communities boscosas have been determined, giving refuge 51 fauna species like the puma, fox, monkey of the mount, pudú trusts I trust, hued hued, chucao, cachudito and thrush; those that inhabit free of the human intervention. In this park they are paths, for those that can be carried out walks and walks, to observe the flora and fauna and to enjoy a picnic.

6. A brief history:
This monument is located to 6 kilometers of Contulmo, in the commune of Purén. It has an extension of 82 hectares of conservation, administered by CONAF. National Park was declared in the year 1941, at the moment it harbors 146 vegetable species, of which 120 are native. 26 varieties of ferns exist.